Sunday, February 24, 2008


We have been taking Tango lessons since November.. we continue to progress albeit slowly.
This weekend we attended a 3 day Tango workshop with Alicia Pons, an instructor from Buenos Aires, who is doing a tour in this country. Here is her website! Alicia Pons

Anyway we attended 2 Milongas, one on Friday night and the other on Saturday night. Milongas are social dances. We attended 2 days of workshops, 6 hours on Friday and 6 hours on Saturday! Anna's feet are exhausted from spending hours on the balls of her feet. Myron is exhausted from keeping a long chest and short leg and leading boleo's and gancho's which Anna sometimes follows.

Alicia continues to tell us that Tango is caminada or simple walking... But we remain neophytes..

Here the shoes rest from incredible workouts..

Tangueros and Milongueros
Anna and Myron

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