Mike and Diane had been to a barbecue the night before( and up till 3am!) and were heading out to a Christening in the early afternoon.... They felt a bit tired and shagged out after a prolonged squawk but managed to stop by to say goodbye. Actually they look pretty good!!!
We picked up Grandma Esther and headed out to Stephanie and Michael's house for au revoir's before we move to North Carolina. Mike D and Diane, Nick and Alaina as well as little Nick and Adriana all came over to say ciao for now. Enjoyed ourselves and took some pix. The kids were just the cutest. Everyone was invited to visit as we have a three bedroom apartment with two bathrooms! I am sure we will have visitors!
Keiran and Chris arrived and we took them to the Empire State Building, to Fred's in Barneys for the best burger, to Times Square, a walk of the East Village and to see the Blue Man Group! The weather was great and we had a great time! Chris and Keiran also got to briefly visit Grandma Esther and Great Aunt Stephanie and Uncle Michael.
It is Ren and Jeff's birthday today on August 1st. Ren is Myron's youngest son in Japan and he is a big 35 today. Jeff is Anna's youngest son and is 21 today! Jeff is presently in OBX with his 2 brothers, friends and Mom having a great time in the sun and sand.
Here is a pix Jeff and his brothers,Sean and Paul at the beach . And a pix of Ren in Japan!